(a) Except as provided by (b) of this section or AS 08.26.180 , a person may not engage in the business of providing services as a private professional guardian or conservator unless the person has a license issued under this chapter.
(b) An individual may be appointed and provide services as a private professional guardian or conservator without a license issued under this chapter and receive compensation approved by a court as long as the individual does not act as a guardian or conservator for more than one person or two people who are related to each other up to and including the fourth degree of consanguinity, whether of the whole or half blood or by adoption, computed under the rules of civil law.
Section: 08.26.010 08.26.020 08.26.030 08.26.040 08.26.050 08.26.060 08.26.070 NextLast modified: November 15, 2016