In this chapter,
(1) "advanced nurse practitioner" means a registered nurse authorized to practice in the state who, because of specialized education and experience, is certified to perform acts of medical diagnosis and the prescription and dispensing of medical, therapeutic, or corrective measures under regulations adopted by the board;
(2) "board" means the Board of Nursing;
(3) "certified nurse aide" is a person who is certified as a nurse aide by the board;
(4) "incompetent" means that a nurse does not possess the skills, knowledge, and awareness of the nurse's limitations and abilities to safely practice nursing;
(5) "licensed practical nurse" is equivalent to the title "licensed vocational nurse" and to the name suffix abbreviations L.P.N. and L.V.N.;
(6) "licensed registered nurse" is equivalent to the common title "registered nurse" and the name suffix abbreviation R.N.;
(7) "nurse anesthetist" means a registered nurse authorized to practice in the state who, because of specialized education and experience, is certified to select and administer anesthetic and give anesthesia care under regulations adopted by the board;
(8) "practice of practical nursing" means the performance for compensation or personal profit of nursing functions that do not require the substantial specialized skill, judgment, and knowledge of a registered nurse;
(9) "practice of registered nursing" means the performance for compensation or personal profit of acts of professional service that requires substantial specialized knowledge, judgment, and skill based on the principles of biological, physiological, behavioral, and sociological sciences in assessing and responding to the health needs of individuals, families, or communities through services that include
(A) assessment of problems, counseling, and teaching
(i) clients to maintain health or prevent illness; and
(ii) in the care of the ill, injured, or infirm;
(B) administration, supervision, delegation, and evaluation of nursing practice;
(C) teaching others the skills of nursing;
(D) execution of a medical regimen as prescribed by a person authorized by the state to practice medicine;
(E) performance of other acts that require education and training that are recognized by the nursing profession as properly performed by registered nurses;
(F) performance of acts of medical diagnosis and the prescription of medical therapeutic or corrective measures under regulations adopted by the board;
(10) "unlicensed assistive personnel" means persons, such as orderlies, assistants, attendants, technicians, members of a nursing client's immediate family, or the guardian of a nursing client, who are not licensed to practice practical nursing, registered nursing, medicine, or any other health occupation that requires a license in this state.
Section: Previous 08.68.800 08.68.805 08.68.850Last modified: November 15, 2016