Alaska Statutes Title 08, Chapter 08.80, Article 04 - Unlawful Acts
- Sec. 08.80.380 Issuance of Shopkeepers Permits. [Repealed, Sec. 21 Ch 166 Sla 1980. for Current Law, See As 08.80.045 ].
Repealed or Renumbered
- Sec. 08.80.390 Pharmacists Required in Hospitals and Clinics.
(a) A hospital, clinic, nursing home, infirmary, or related facility that dispenses drugs for outpatient treatment shall have a licensed pharmacist in charge of...
- Sec. 08.80.400 Other Licensees Not Affected.
This chapter does not affect the practice of medicine by a licensed medical doctor and does not limit a licensed medical doctor, osteopath, podiatrist,...
- Sec. 08.80.410 Use of Term "Pharmacist" Prohibited.
A person may not assume or use the title "pharmacist," or any variation of the title, or hold out to be a pharmacist, without...
- Sec. 08.80.420 Certain Advertising Prohibited.
(a) A person may not use or exhibit the title "pharmacist," "assistant pharmacist," or "druggist," or the descriptive term "pharmacy," "drug store," "drug sundries,"...
- Sec. 08.80.430 Use of Pharmacy Symbols Prohibited.
A person may not display in a place of business the characteristic pharmacy symbol of "Rx" in any form unless the business has a...
- Sec. 08.80.440 Denial of Examination or License. [Repealed, Sec. 28 Ch 45 Sla 1996].
Repealed or Renumbered
- Sec. 08.80.450 Disciplinary Action.
The board may consider a complaint based upon the alleged violation of any provision of this chapter and may, by a majority vote of...
- Sec. 08.80.460 Penalties.
(a) A person who violates a provision of this chapter is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.(b) A person who violates the provisions of...
Last modified: November 15, 2016