Alaska Statutes Sec. 10.15.280 - Manner of Payment

The apportionment, distribution, and payment of net proceeds or savings required by AS 10.15.275 may be in cash, credits, capital stock, certificates of interest, revolving fund certificates, letters of advice or other securities or certificates issued by the cooperative or by an affiliated domestic or foreign cooperative association whether or not incorporated under this chapter.

Section: Previous  10.15.245  10.15.250  10.15.255  10.15.260  10.15.265  10.15.270  10.15.275  10.15.280  10.15.285  10.15.290  10.15.295  10.15.300  10.15.305  10.15.310  10.15.315  Next

Last modified: November 15, 2016