Alaska Statutes Sec. 10.15.570 - Declaration of Public Policy that Cooperatives are Not in Restraint of Trade

It is the public policy of the state to encourage the efficient production and distribution of agricultural and other products derived from its natural resources or labor resources. Accordingly, a cooperative that operates in compliance with the provisions of this chapter and that does not, during its fiscal year, market products for nonmember patrons in an amount greater in value than the products marketed for its members is not a conspiracy or combination in restraint of trade, or an illegal monopoly. The contracts of a cooperative authorized by this chapter, whether or not required by the cooperative as a condition of membership or of doing business with the cooperative, may not be construed as an unlawful restraint of trade, or as part of a conspiracy or combination to accomplish an improper or illegal purpose or act.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016