Alaska Statutes Title 10, Chapter 10.15, Article 03 - Amendment and Restatement of Articles
Sec. 10.15.365 Amendment of Articles.
A cooperative may amend its articles from time to time as may be desired, so long as its articles as amended contain only those...
Sec. 10.15.385 Filing of Articles of Amendment.
Duplicate originals of the articles of amendment shall be filed, and a certificate of amendment shall be issued and delivered to the commissioner.
Sec. 10.15.390 Effect of Amendments.
An amendment does not affect an existing cause of action in favor of or against the cooperative, or a pending suit to which the...
Sec. 10.15.395 Governing Law.
The provisions of AS 10.06 (Alaska Corporations Code) relating to restated articles of business corporations apply to cooperatives, except that the restated articles need...