Alaska Statutes Title 10, Chapter 10.20, Article 01 - Substantive Provisions
- Sec. 10.20.005 Purposes.
Corporations may be organized under this chapter for any lawful purpose, including, but not limited to, one or more of the following: charitable; religious;...
- Sec. 10.20.007 Corporations Organized Under Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.
A village corporation organized under 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. (Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act) may be incorporated under and subject to this chapter...
- Sec. 10.20.011 General Powers.
A corporation may(1) have perpetual succession by its corporate name unless its duration is limited by its articles of incorporation;(2) sue and be sued,...
- Sec. 10.20.016 Defense of Ultra Vires.
(a) An act of a corporation and a conveyance or transfer of real or personal property to or by a corporation is not invalid...
- Sec. 10.20.021 Corporate Name.
(a) The name of a corporation may not contain a word or phrase that indicates or implies that it is organized for a purpose...
- Sec. 10.20.026 Registered Office and Registered Agent.
A corporation shall continuously maintain in the state a registered office which may be, but need not be, the same as its place of...
- Sec. 10.20.031 Filing List of Corporations.
The department shall file a list of the name of each corporation, the address of the registered office and the name and address of...
- Sec. 10.20.036 Change of Registered Office or Agent.
(a) A corporation, domestic or foreign, may change its registered office, agent, or both, by filing with the department a statement signed by the...
- Sec. 10.20.041 Change of Location or Resignation of Registered Agent.
(a) If the registered agent of a corporation, domestic or foreign, changes the location of an office from one address to another within a...
- Sec. 10.20.046 Service on Corporation.
(a) The registered agent of a corporation is an agent upon whom process, notice or demand required or permitted by law to be served...
- Sec. 10.20.051 Members and Liability of Directors, Officers, Employees, and Members.
(a) A corporation may have one or more classes of members or may have no members. If the corporation has one or more classes...
- Sec. 10.20.056 Bylaws.
The board of directors shall adopt the initial bylaws of a corporation. The power to adopt, alter, amend or repeal bylaws is vested in...
- Sec. 10.20.061 Meetings of Members.
(a) Meetings of members may be held at a place, either inside or outside the state, which may be provided in the bylaws. In...
- Sec. 10.20.066 Notice of Meetings.
Unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation or bylaws, written notice stating the place, day and hour of the meeting and, in case...
- Sec. 10.20.071 Voting; Quorum.
(a) The right of the members, or any class or classes of members, to vote may be limited, enlarged, or denied to the extent...
- Sec. 10.20.076 Quorum of Members.
Unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation or the bylaws, members holding one-tenth of the votes entitled to be cast, represented in person...
- Sec. 10.20.081 Board of Directors.
The affairs of a corporation shall be managed by a board of directors. Directors need not be residents of the state or members of...
- Sec. 10.20.086 Number of Directors.
(a) The number of directors of a corporation shall be at least three. The number of directors shall be fixed by the bylaws, except...
- Sec. 10.20.091 Membership and Term of Office of First Board of Directors.
The names and addresses of the members of the first board of directors shall be stated in the articles of incorporation. Each member holds...
- Sec. 10.20.096 Election and Terms of Directors.
At the first annual election of directors and at each annual meeting thereafter the members shall elect directors to hold office for the terms...
- Sec. 10.20.101 Vacancies.
A vacancy occurring in the board of directors and a directorship to be filled by reason of an increase in the number of directors...
- Sec. 10.20.106 Quorum of Directors.
A majority of the number of directors fixed by the bylaws, or, in the absence of a bylaw fixing the number of directors, the...
- Sec. 10.20.111 Executive Committee.
If the articles of incorporation or the bylaws so provide, the board of directors, by resolution adopted by a majority of the number of...
- Sec. 10.20.116 Place and Notice of Directors' Meetings.
(a) Regular or special meetings of the board of directors may be held either inside or outside the state.(b) Regular meetings of the board...
- Sec. 10.20.121 Officers.
(a) The officers of a corporation consist of a president, one or more vice presidents as prescribed by the bylaws, a secretary, and a...
- Sec. 10.20.126 Removal of Officers.
An officer or agent may be removed by the board of directors, or by the executive committee, whenever in its judgment the best interests...
- Sec. 10.20.131 Books and Records; Inspection.
(a) A corporation shall keep correct and complete books and records of account and shall keep minutes of the proceedings of its members, board...
- Sec. 10.20.136 Shares of Stock and Dividends Prohibited; Compensation, Benefits, and Distributions.
A corporation may not have or issue shares of stock. No dividend may be paid and no part of the income or profit of...
- Sec. 10.20.141 Loans to Directors and Officers Prohibited.
A corporation may not make loans to its directors or officers. A director or officer who assents to or participates in the making of...
Last modified: November 15, 2016