Alaska Statutes Title 12, Chapter 12.45, Article 02 - Discovery, Testimony, and Evidence
- Sec. 12.45.020 Conviction on Testimony of Accomplice and Corroboration.
A conviction shall not be had on the testimony of an accomplice unless it is corroborated by other evidence that tends to connect the...
- Sec. 12.45.030 Necessary Evidence for False Pretenses. [Repealed, Sec. 21 Ch 166 Sla 1978].
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- Sec. 12.45.035 Admissibility of Dna Profiles.
(a) In a criminal action or proceeding, evidence of a DNA profile is admissible to prove or disprove any relevant fact, if the court...
- Sec. 12.45.037 Admissibility of Expert Testimony Relating to Criminal Street Gang Activity.
(a) In a criminal prosecution, expert testimony is admissible to show, in regard to a specific criminal street gang or criminal street gangs whose...
- Sec. 12.45.040 Necessary Evidence for Prostitution or Seduction. [Repealed, Sec. 21 Ch 166 Sla 1978].
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- Sec. 12.45.042 Mental Examination of Victim.
In a criminal prosecution under AS 11.41, the court may not order or compel the victim to undergo a psychiatric or psychological examination unless(1)...
- Sec. 12.45.045 Evidence of Past Sexual Conduct in Trials of Certain Sexual Offenses.
(a) In prosecutions for the crimes of sexual assault in any degree, sexual abuse of a minor in any degree, unlawful exploitation of a...
- Sec. 12.45.046 Testimony of Children in Criminal Proceedings.
(a) In a criminal proceeding under AS 11.41 involving the prosecution of an offense committed against a child under the age of 16, or...
- Sec. 12.45.047 , 12.45.048. Testimony by Young Victim of Sexual Offense. [Repealed, Sec. 4 Ch 92 Sla 1988].
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- Sec. 12.45.049 Privilege Relating to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Counseling.
Confidential communications between a victim of domestic violence or sexual assault and a victim counselor are privileged under AS 18.66.200 - 18.66.250.
- Sec. 12.45.050 Limitation on Discovery of Statement of Prosecution Witness.
In a criminal prosecution, no statement or report in the possession of the state which was made by a prosecution witness or prospective prosecution...
- Sec. 12.45.060 Discovery After Direct Examination of Witness.
After a witness called by the state has testified on direct examination, the court shall, on motion of the defendant, order the state to...
- Sec. 12.45.070 Discovery of Portions of Statement.
If the state claims that any statement ordered to be produced under AS 12.45.060 contains matter that does not relate to the subject matter...
- Sec. 12.45.080 Disposition of Proceeding Upon Failure of State to Comply With Order.
If the state elects not to comply with an order of the court to deliver to the defendant a statement or a portion of...
- Sec. 12.45.082 Definition of "Statement".
In AS 12.45.060 - 12.45.080, the term "statement," in relation to any witness called by the state, means(1) a written statement made by the...
- Sec. 12.45.083 Mental Disease or Defect Excluding Responsibility. [Repealed, Sec. 42 Ch 143 Sla 1982. for Present Provisions, See As 12.47].
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- Sec. 12.45.084 Laboratory Report of Controlled Substances.
(a) In a prosecution under AS 11.71.010 - 11.71.060, a complete copy of an official laboratory report from the Department of Public Safety or...
- Sec. 12.45.085 Evidence of Mental Disease or Defect. [Repealed, Sec. 42 Ch 143 Sla 1982. for Present Provisions, See As 12.47].
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- Sec. 12.45.086 Photographic Evidence of Property Wrongfully Taken or Damaged.
(a) In a criminal proceeding or a children's court proceeding involving the wrongful taking or damaging of property, photographs of the property are competent...
- Sec. 12.45.087 - 12.45.115. Psychiatric Examination; Procedure. [Repealed, Sec. 42 Ch 143 Sla 1982. for Present Provisions, See As 12.47].
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Last modified: November 15, 2016