Alaska Statutes Sec. 15.40.080 - 15.40.120 - Selection of Nominees in Manner Provided for General Election; Designation of Nominees by Petition; Requirements of Petition for No-Party Candidates and by Political Parties; Selection of Political Party Nominees. [Repealed, Sec. 6 Ch 30 Sla 1998]

Repealed or Renumbered

Section: Previous  15.40.010  15.40.020  15.40.030  15.40.050  15.40.080  15.40.130  15.40.140  15.40.141  15.40.142  15.40.145  15.40.150  15.40.160  15.40.165  15.40.170  15.40.180  Next

Last modified: November 15, 2016