Alaska Statutes Title 16, Chapter 16.43, Article 02 - Entry Permit System
Sec. 16.43.140 Permit Required.
(a) A person may not operate gear in the commercial taking of fishery resources without a valid entry permit or a valid interim-use permit...
Sec. 16.43.160 Fees.
(a) Except as specifically provided in this section, the commission shall establish annual fees for the issuance and annual renewal of entry permits or...
Sec. 16.43.170 Transfer of Entry Permits.
(a) Except as provided in AS 16.10.333 - 16.10.338 and in AS 44.81.231 - 44.81.250, entry permits and interim-use permits are transferable only through...
Sec. 16.43.180 Emergency Transfers.
(a) The commission shall adopt regulations providing for the temporary emergency transfer of entry permits and interim-use permits when illness, disability, death, required military...