Alaska Statutes Title 21, Chapter 21.27, Article 01 - Licensing
- Sec. 21.27.010 License Required.
(a) Except as provided otherwise in this chapter, a person may not act as or represent to be an insurance producer, managing general agent,...
- Sec. 21.27.020 General Qualifications for License.
(a) For the protection of the people of this state, the director may not issue or renew a license except in compliance with this...
- Sec. 21.27.025 Required Notice of Licensee.
(a) A licensee shall notify the director in writing within 30 days after a change in residence, place of business, legal name, fictitious name...
- Sec. 21.27.030 Controlled Business Disqualification.
(a) The director may not issue an insurance producer, a managing general agent, or a surplus lines broker license to a person if the...
- Sec. 21.27.040 Application for License.
(a) Application for a license shall be made to the director upon forms prescribed by the director. As a part of or in connection...
- Sec. 21.27.050 One Filing of Personal Data Sufficient. [Repealed, Sec. 223 Ch 67 Sla 1992].
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- Sec. 21.27.060 Examination of Applicants and Licensees.
(a) Except as provided in this chapter, an applicant for an individual license and a compliance officer applicant for a firm license shall, before...
- Sec. 21.27.070 Scope of Examination. [Repealed, Sec. 223 Ch 67 Sla 1992].
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- Sec. 21.27.080 Examinations.
(a) The answers of the applicant to an examination shall be written by the applicant under the director's supervision, and the written examination may...
- Sec. 21.27.090 , 21.27.095. Qualifications for Licensing; Licensing of General Agents. [Repealed, Sec. 223 Ch 67 Sla 1992].
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- Sec. 21.27.100 Appointment of Insurance Producer, Managing General Agent, and Reinsurance Intermediary Manager; Acts of Agent.
(a) An appointment is required to be made in accordance with this section when one or more of the following has occurred:(1) an admitted...
- Sec. 21.27.110 Term of Appointment.
(a) An appointment under AS 21.27.100 continues in force until the appointment is terminated in writing.(b) If an insurer, reinsurer, or authorized representative discovers...
- Sec. 21.27.115 Lines of Authority.
If a person has met the applicable requirements of AS 21.27.020 and 21.27.270, the director shall issue a license for one or more of...
- Sec. 21.27.120 Revocation of Appointment. [Repealed, Sec. 223 Ch 67 Sla 1992].
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- Sec. 21.27.130 Form and Content of Licenses.
(a) A license must be in the form the director prescribes and must set out(1) the name and address of the licensee and, if...
- Sec. 21.27.140 Firm Licenses.
(a) A firm shall have a firm license, the scope of which includes all lines and classes of authority of each individual employee of...
- Sec. 21.27.150 Limited Licenses.
(a) The director may issue a(1) travel insurance limited producer license to a person who is appointed under AS 21.27.100 and who sells travel...
- Sec. 21.27.152 Travel Insurance.
(a) A person that makes, arranges, or offers travel services may transact travel insurance by offering, issuing for delivery, issuing, or renewing travel insurance...
- Sec. 21.27.160 Scope of Licenses.
An insurance producer, managing general agent, reinsurance intermediary broker, reinsurance intermediary manager, surplus lines broker, or independent adjuster is only required to have one...
- Sec. 21.27.170 Insurance Vending Machines License. [Repealed, Sec. 82 Ch 81 Sla 2001].
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- Sec. 21.27.180 Scope of Broker License. [Repealed, Sec. 47 Ch 51 Sla 1990].
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- Sec. 21.27.190 Bond.
(a) In addition to any other requirements in this title, a bond required under this title or an alternative indemnity permitted under this section...
- Sec. 21.27.200 , 21.27.210. Broker's Authority and Commissions; Agent-Broker Combinations. [Repealed, Sec. 223 Ch 67 Sla 1992].
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- Sec. 21.27.215 Employment Contracts.
(a) A firm may enter into an employment contract with a licensed individual to conduct business under the supervision of and in the name...
- Sec. 21.27.220 , 21.27.230. Solicitor's Qualifications; Application for Solicitor's License. [Repealed, Sec. 47 Ch 51 Sla 1990].
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- Sec. 21.27.240 - 21.27.260. Fee for and Custody of Solicitor's License; Limitations; Employer's Responsibility. [Repealed, Sec. 223 Ch 67 Sla 1992].
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- Sec. 21.27.270 Licensing of Nonresidents.
(a) In accordance with P.L. 106-102 (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act), the director shall issue a license to a nonresident license applicant on terms that are reciprocal...
- Sec. 21.27.275 Alien Licensees.
The director may issue a license authorized by this chapter to a nonresident of this state who does not have a home state if...
- Sec. 21.27.280 Director As Agent for Service of Process. [Repealed, Sec. 223 Ch 67 Sla 1992].
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- Sec. 21.27.290 , 21.27.300. Adjuster's Qualifications; Contents of License. [Repealed, Sec. 47 Ch 51 Sla 1990].
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- Sec. 21.27.310 , 21.27.320. Trainee Adjusters; Agent or General Agent As Adjuster; Nonresident Adjusters. [Repealed, Sec. 223 Ch 67 Sla 1992].
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- Sec. 21.27.330 Place of Business.
(a) A person licensed under this chapter shall have and maintain at least one place of business that is physically accessible to the public...
- Sec. 21.27.340 Public Display of License. [Repealed, Sec. 94(a) Ch 23 Sla 2011].
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- Sec. 21.27.350 Records of Licensees.
(a) A licensee shall document each action taken in regard to an insurance transaction. The documentation must contain all notes, work papers, documents, and...
- Sec. 21.27.360 Reporting and Accounting for Premiums and Premium Taxes and Fees.
(a) A licensee involved in the procuring or issuance of an insurance contract shall report to the insurer the exact amount of consideration charged...
- Sec. 21.27.365 Deposit or Surety Bond in Place of Fiduciary Account. [Repealed, Sec. 83 Ch 81 Sla 2001].
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- Sec. 21.27.370 Sharing Compensation.
(a) Except as provided in (c) and (d) of this section, a licensee may not compensate a person, other than a licensee who is...
- Sec. 21.27.380 License Renewal, Lapse, and Reinstatement.
(a) Except as provided in this title, the director may renew a license biennially on a date set by the director if the licensee...
- Sec. 21.27.390 Temporary License.
(a) The director may issue a temporary license only to a person who, except for experience, training, or the taking of an examination, meets...
- Sec. 21.27.400 Temporary License Limitations. [Repealed, Sec. 223 Ch 67 Sla 1992].
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- Sec. 21.27.405 Hearing and Order on Violation.
(a) On the complaint of a person or on the motion of the director, the director may conduct an investigation to determine whether a...
- Sec. 21.27.410 Denial, Nonrenewal, Suspension, or Revocation of Licenses.
(a) The director may deny issuance of or not renew a license or may suspend or revoke a license issued under this chapter for...
- Sec. 21.27.420 Procedure for Suspending, Revoking, or Conditioning a License.
(a) After a hearing under AS 21.06.170 - 21.06.240, if the director determines that a person has violated a provision of this title and...
- Sec. 21.27.430 Suspensions and Revocations.
(a) An order suspending a license shall specify the period during which the license is suspended. A period of suspension may not exceed 12...
- Sec. 21.27.440 Penalties.
(a) In addition to any other penalty provided by law, a person that the director determines under AS 21.06.170 - 21.06.240 has violated the...
- Sec. 21.27.450 Fine in Lieu of Action Against the License. [Repealed, Sec. 223 Ch 67 Sla 1992].
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- Sec. 21.27.460 Return of License.
(a) A license issued under this chapter is the property of the state. Within 10 days of an order or notice of nonrenewal, suspension,...
- Sec. 21.27.470 - 21.27.520. Agent, Broker, Solicitor, Service Representatives, and Adjuster Defined; Exceptions From Definitions. [Repealed, Sec. 47 Ch 29 Sla 1987].
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Last modified: November 15, 2016