Alaska Statutes Sec. 22.15.060 - Criminal Jurisdiction

(a) The district court has jurisdiction

(1) of the following crimes:

(A) a misdemeanor, unless otherwise provided in this chapter;

(B) a violation of an ordinance of a political subdivision;

(C) a violation of AS 04.16.050 or AS 11.76.105 ;

(2) to provide post-conviction relief under the Alaska Rules of Criminal Procedure, if the conviction occurred in the district court.

(b) Insofar as the criminal jurisdiction of the district courts and the superior court is the same, such jurisdiction is concurrent.

Section: Previous  22.15.010  22.15.020  22.15.030  22.15.040  22.15.050  22.15.060  22.15.070  22.15.080  22.15.090  22.15.100  22.15.110  22.15.120  22.15.130  22.15.140  22.15.150  Next

Last modified: November 15, 2016