Alaska Statutes Title 23, Chapter 23.20, Article 09 - General Provisions
- Sec. 23.20.475 Amendment or Repeal.
There may be no vested right of any kind against the state as the result of enactment, amendment, or repeal of this chapter.
- Sec. 23.20.480 Termination.
(a) If the Federal Unemployment Tax Act is amended or repealed by Congress, or is held unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court, with...
- Sec. 23.20.485 False Statement to Secure Benefits.
A person who makes a false statement or misrepresentation knowing it is false or who knowingly fails to disclose a material fact, with intent...
- Sec. 23.20.486 Participation in the Federal Offset Program.
In addition to any remedies authorized by this chapter, the department may offset any covered unemployment compensation debt against a claimant's federal income tax...
- Sec. 23.20.490 Acts of Employer Prohibited.
(a) An employing unit or an officer or agent of an employing unit may not(1) make a false statement or representation knowing it is...
- Sec. 23.20.495 Noncompliance With Subpoena of Agency.
A person who, without just cause, fails or refuses to attend and testify or to answer a lawful inquiry or to produce books, papers,...
- Sec. 23.20.497 Binding Effect of Department Decisions.
(a) A finding of fact or law, judgment, conclusion, or final order made with respect to a claim for unemployment compensation under this chapter...
- Sec. 23.20.500 Violation of Statute or Regulations.
A person who wilfully violates a provision of this chapter or an order or regulation under it, the violation of which is made unlawful...
- Sec. 23.20.505 Unemployed Defined.
(a) An individual is considered "unemployed" in a week during which the individual performs no services and for which no wages are payable to...
- Sec. 23.20.510 Pay Period.
(a) If the service performed during one-half or more of a pay period by an individual for an employing unit constitutes employment, all the...
- Sec. 23.20.515 Earnings of Fishermen Not Subject to Contributions. [Repealed, Sec. 26 Ch 122 Sla 1977].
Repealed or Renumbered
- Sec. 23.20.520 Definitions.
In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires,(1) "American vessel" means a vessel documented or numbered under the laws of the United States, or...
- Sec. 23.20.525 "Employment" Defined.
(a) In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, "employment" means(1) service performed by an individual for wages or by an officer of a...
- Sec. 23.20.526 Exclusions From Definition of "Employment".
(a) In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, "employment" does not include(1) domestic service in a private home, except as provided in AS...
- Sec. 23.20.530 Wages Defined.
(a) In this chapter, "wages" means all remuneration for service from whatever source, including, but not limited to, insured work, noninsured work, or self-employment;...
- Sec. 23.20.535 Short Title.
This chapter may be cited as the Alaska Employment Security Act.
Last modified: November 15, 2016