(a) The house and senate employees of the legislature are hired for the duration of each session upon the recommendation of the rules committee of each house. During the interim, house and senate employees are hired with the approval of the president of the senate or the speaker of the house of representatives, as appropriate.
(b) Employees assigned to the duplicating, distributing, mailing, and other centralized services are under the immediate supervision of the Legislative Affairs Agency.
(c) Except as provided in (e) of this section for hourly employees, all employees of the legislature are employed subject to
(1) classification and wage plans based on the merit principle and adapted to the special needs of the legislature; and
(2) the general state laws regarding leave and retirement.
(d) During sessions, all employees of the legislature are employed with the understanding that they will work as many hours as may be required by their supervisors. All employees are on call for duty every day of the session.
(e) The permanent interim committees of the legislature, the rules committees, the president of the senate, or the speaker of the house of representatives, as appropriate, may authorize the employment of hourly employees. Hourly employees are subject to the salary schedule set out in AS 39.27.011 and general state laws regarding retirement but are not entitled to receive leave benefits.
(f) An employee of the legislative branch of state government who is employed under a personal services contract is not entitled to membership in the public employees' retirement system (AS 39.35) for employment under the contract. The employee shall be compensated under the state salary schedule set out in AS 39.27.011 (a). The employee is entitled to receive leave benefits and employee health coverage unless the personal services contract provides to the contrary.
Section: 24.10.060Last modified: November 15, 2016