(a) The Joint Armed Services Committee shall
(1) monitor the military base realignment and closure activities of the federal government for bases in the state;
(2) work on specific realignments and closures proposed by the federal government for bases in the state;
(3) work with the state's congressional delegation regarding federal military base realignments and closings in the state;
(4) attend meetings and hearings related to federal realignments and closures of military bases in the state and provide testimony as necessary;
(5) review the effect on the state and its communities of federal realignments and closures of military bases in the state;
(6) monitor the development of the national ballistic missile defense system and work with the congressional delegation of the state, other state and local government organizations, and community groups to advocate and expedite the deployment of the system in this state;
(7) investigate opportunities to increase joint and combined military training in the state;
(8) advocate the stationing of reconfigured power projection forces at bases located in the state; and
(9) prepare and submit a report of its activities to the legislature on the first day of each second regular session.
(b) The committee may appoint a citizens' advisory board. Individuals appointed to an advisory board may not receive reimbursement for travel expenses or per diem allowances.
Section: Previous 24.20.650 24.20.655 24.20.660 24.20.665 24.20.670 24.20.675 24.20.680 NextLast modified: November 15, 2016