Sec. 24.20.410 Membership.
The Administrative Regulation Review Committee is composed of three members of the house appointed by the speaker of the house, and three members of...
Sec. 24.20.420 Term of Membership.
The committee shall be organized within 15 days after the organization of each legislature. Members serve for the duration of the legislature during which...
Sec. 24.20.430 Vacancies.
When a vacancy occurs in the membership of the committee, the presiding officer of the house incurring the vacancy shall choose a successor. If...
Sec. 24.20.440 Meetings.
The Administrative Regulation Review Committee may meet during sessions of the legislature and during the interim between sessions at such times and places in...
Sec. 24.20.445 Power of Suspension.
(a) When the legislature is not in session, the Administrative Regulation Review Committee may by an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of...
Sec. 24.20.450 Staff.
The Legislative Affairs Agency shall provide the committee with professional and clerical assistance under the auspices of the legislative council.
Sec. 24.20.460 Powers.
The Administrative Regulation Review Committee has the following powers:(1) to organize and adopt rules for the conduct of its business;(2) to hold public hearings;(3)...