Sec. 24.55.020 Appointment of the Ombudsman.
(a) A candidate for appointment as the ombudsman shall be nominated by the ombudsman selection committee composed of three members of the senate appointed...
Sec. 24.55.040 Term of Office.
(a) The term of office of the ombudsman is five years. An ombudsman may be reappointed but may not serve for more than three...
Sec. 24.55.050 Removal.
The legislature, by a concurrent resolution adopted by a roll call vote of two-thirds of the members in each house entered in the journal,...
Sec. 24.55.060 Compensation.
The ombudsman is entitled to receive an annual salary equal to a step in Range 26 on the salary schedule set out in AS...
Sec. 24.55.070 Staff and Delegation.
(a) The ombudsman shall appoint a person to serve as acting ombudsman in the absence of the ombudsman. The ombudsman shall also appoint assistants...
Sec. 24.55.080 Office Facilities and Administration.
(a) Subject to restrictions and limitations imposed by the executive director of the Legislative Affairs Agency, the administrative facilities and services of the Legislative...
Sec. 24.55.090 Procedure.
(a) The ombudsman shall, by regulations adopted under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act), establish procedures for receiving and processing complaints, conducting investigations, reporting findings,...