Alaska Statutes Title 26, Chapter 26.23, Article 01 - Alaska Disaster Act
- Sec. 26.23.010 Purposes.
The purposes of this chapter are to(1) reduce the vulnerability of people and communities of this state to damage, injury, and loss of life...
- Sec. 26.23.020 the Governor and Disaster Emergencies.
(a) The governor is responsible for meeting the dangers presented by disasters to the state and its people.(b) The governor may issue orders, proclamations,...
- Sec. 26.23.025 the Legislature and Disaster Emergencies.
(a) When the governor declares a condition of disaster emergency under AS 26.23.020 (c), concurrently with the issuance of the proclamation, the governor shall...
- Sec. 26.23.030 Creation of the Alaska Division of Emergency Services. [Repealed, Sec. 22 Ch 179 Sla 2004].
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- Sec. 26.23.040 Homeland Security Duties of the Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.
(a) The Alaska division of homeland security and emergency management shall prepare and maintain a state emergency plan and keep it current. The plan...
- Sec. 26.23.045 Response Corps; Depots.
(a) The department may establish a response corps. The corps consists of volunteers who register with the department and agree to be trained in...
- Sec. 26.23.050 Financing.
(a) It is the intent of the legislature, and declared to be the policy of the state, that funds to meet disaster emergencies will...
- Sec. 26.23.060 Local and Interjurisdictional Disaster Services.
(a) Each political subdivision in the state is within the jurisdiction of, and shall be served by, the Alaska division of homeland security and...
- Sec. 26.23.070 Establishment of Interjurisdictional Disaster Planning and Service Areas.
(a) If the governor finds that two or more adjoining political subdivisions would be better served by an interjurisdictional arrangement than by maintaining separate...
- Sec. 26.23.071 Alaska State Emergency Response Commission.
(a) The Alaska State Emergency Response Commission is established in the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs.(b) The commission consists of the commissioners of...
- Sec. 26.23.073 Emergency Planning Districts and Committees.
(a) The commission shall set the boundaries of local emergency planning districts. The commission shall set the boundaries of a district so that they...
- Sec. 26.23.075 Emergency Plans.
(a) An emergency plan prepared under AS 26.23.073 must include(1) identification of facilities subject to the requirements of 42 U.S.C. 11001 - 11005 that...
- Sec. 26.23.077 Plan Review; Incident Command Systems.
(a) The commission shall review and make recommendations about local, interjurisdictional, regional, and state emergency plans, including the Alaska intrastate mutual aid system established...
- Sec. 26.23.080 Federal Disaster Loans to Political Subdivisions.
Whenever, at the request of the governor, the President has declared a major disaster to exist in this state, the governor may(1) upon the...
- Sec. 26.23.090 Grants to Disaster Victims.
(a) Whenever the President, at the request of the governor, has declared a major disaster to exist in this state, the governor may(1) upon...
- Sec. 26.23.100 Temporary Housing.
(a) Whenever the governor has proclaimed a disaster emergency, or the President, at the request of the governor, has declared an emergency or a...
- Sec. 26.23.110 Debris and Wreckage Removal in Disaster Emergency or Major Disaster.
(a) When the governor has declared a disaster emergency, or the President, at the request of the governor, has declared a major disaster or...
- Sec. 26.23.120 - 26.23.130. Interstate Civil Defense and Disaster Compact Entered Into; Compact Terms. [Repealed, Sec. 5 Ch 55 Sla 2002].
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- Sec. 26.23.135 Emergency Management Assistance Compact Enacted and Entered Into.
The Emergency Management Assistance Compact is hereby enacted into law and entered into with all jurisdictions legally joining in it in a form substantially...
- Sec. 26.23.136 Compact Terms.
The terms and provisions of the compact referred to in AS 26.23.135 are as follows:EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE COMPACTARTICLE IPURPOSES; DEFINITIONSThis compact is made and...
- Sec. 26.23.140 Local Disaster Emergencies.
(a) A local disaster emergency may be declared only by the principal executive officer of a political subdivision. It may not be continued or...
- Sec. 26.23.150 Disaster Prevention.
(a) In addition to disaster prevention measures as included in the state, local, and interjurisdictional disaster plans, the governor shall consider, on a continuing...
- Sec. 26.23.160 Compensation.
(a) Personal services may not be compensated by the state or a political subdivision or agency of it, except in accordance with Alaska law...
- Sec. 26.23.170 Communications.
(a) The Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs shall ascertain what means exist for rapid and efficient communications in times of disaster emergency. The...
- Sec. 26.23.180 Mutual Aid.
(a) Political subdivisions not participating in interjurisdictional arrangements under AS 26.23.010 - 26.23.220 nevertheless shall be encouraged and assisted by the Alaska division of...
- Sec. 26.23.190 Emergency Powers.
(a) If entry is reasonably necessary to actually alleviate or prevent the disaster, all persons authorized to carry out emergency measures directed under the...
- Sec. 26.23.195 Discharge Response Actions. [Repealed, Sec. 28 Ch 32 Sla 1994].
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- Sec. 26.23.200 Limitations.
Nothing in AS 26.23.010 - 26.23.220(1) interferes with or allows interference with the course or conduct of a labor dispute, except that actions otherwise...
- Sec. 26.23.205 Confiscation of Firearms.
(a) A person convicted of official misconduct under AS 11.56.850, or interference with constitutional rights under AS 11.76.110, as a result of confiscating, attempting...
- Sec. 26.23.210 Relationship to Homeland Security and Civil Defense Laws.
(a) In the event of a conflict between this chapter and AS 26.20, including in the event the governor declares a disaster under this...
- Sec. 26.23.215 Relationship to Other Planning Statutes. [Repealed, Sec. 28 Ch 32 Sla 1994].
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- Sec. 26.23.220 Administration.
AS 26.23.010 - 26.23.220 shall be administered by the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, which is responsible to, and which may receive delegations...
- Sec. 26.23.230 [Renumbered As As 26.23.900 ].
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- Sec. 26.23.240 Short Title.
AS 26.23.010 - 26.23.240 and 26.23.900 may be cited collectively as the Alaska Disaster Act.
Last modified: November 15, 2016