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Alaska Statutes
Title 26 - Military Affairs, Veterans, Disasters, and Aerospace
Alaska Statutes Title 26, Chapter 26.23, Article 04 - Alaska Intrastate Mutual Aid System
Alaska Statutes Title 26, Chapter 26.23, Article 04 - Alaska Intrastate Mutual Aid System
Sec. 26.23.500 Alaska Intrastate Mutual Aid System Established.
(a) The Alaska intrastate mutual aid system is established to provide for mutual assistance among participating political subdivisions of the state in preparing for...
Sec. 26.23.510 Requests for Assistance From Another Political Subdivision.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a political subdivision of the state that is a participating political subdivision under AS 26.23.500 (a)...
Sec. 26.23.515 Qualifications of Emergency Responders.
An emergency responder holding a license, certificate, or other permit issued by a state agency or a political subdivision of the state evidencing the...
Sec. 26.23.520 Emergency Responder Not an Employee of a Requesting Political Subdivision.
An emergency responder from a political subdivision that responds to a political subdivision requesting assistance is not an employee of the political subdivision requesting...
Sec. 26.23.525 Workers' Compensation and Benefits Following Injury to or Death of Emergency Responder.
An emergency responder that is responding to and rendering assistance in a political subdivision that has requested assistance under AS 26.23.510 who sustains an...
Sec. 26.23.530 Reimbursement for Assistance Provided and Disputes Relating to Reimbursement.
(a) A political subdivision that has received assistance from another political subdivision under AS 26.23.510 shall reimburse the political subdivision that provided assistance for...
Sec. 26.23.540 Tort Liability of Participating Political Subdivisions and Emergency Responders.
For purposes of liability, all persons responding under the operational control of the requesting political subdivision shall be considered to be agents of the...
Sec. 26.23.549 Definitions.
In AS 26.23.500 - 26.23.549,(1) "assistance" means emergency responders and resources provided by a responding political subdivision in response to a request from a...
Last modified: November 15, 2016