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Federal and State Laws
Alaska Statutes
Title 33 - Probation, Prisons, Pardons, and Prisoners
Alaska Statutes Title 33, Chapter 33.20, Article 02 - Power of Governor to Grant Pardons, Commutations, and Reprieves
Alaska Statutes Title 33, Chapter 33.20, Article 02 - Power of Governor to Grant Pardons, Commutations, and Reprieves
Sec. 33.20.070 Governor May Grant Pardons, Commutations, and Reprieves.
The governor may grant pardons, commutations of sentence, and reprieves, and suspend and remit fines and forfeitures in whole or part for offenses against...
Sec. 33.20.080 Required Notices and Investigation by the Board of Parole.
(a) The governor may not grant executive clemency to a person unless the governor has first provided notice of consideration of executive clemency to...
Last modified: November 15, 2016