Each issue or series of bonds shall be issued under and subject to the terms, conditions, and covenants providing for the payment of the principal and the interest and other terms, conditions, covenants, and protective provisions safeguarding the payment as found reasonably necessary by the state bond committee for the most advantageous sale. The terms, conditions, and covenants may include the setting aside and maintaining of certain reserves to secure the payment of principal and interest.
Section: Previous 37.15.020 37.15.030 37.15.040 37.15.050 37.15.060 37.15.070 37.15.080 37.15.090 37.15.100 37.15.110 37.15.120 37.15.130 37.15.140 37.15.150 37.15.155 NextLast modified: November 15, 2016