Alaska Statutes Title 37, Chapter 37.14, Article 01 - Mental Health Trust
- Sec. 37.14.001 Mental Health Trust.
In carrying out its trust obligations under the Mental Health Enabling Act of 1956, the state acts through the governor, the legislature, and the...
- Sec. 37.14.003 Responsibilities of the Governor.
(a) At the time the governor submits the report under AS 37.07.060(b), the governor shall submit to the legislature a separate appropriation bill limited...
- Sec. 37.14.005 Responsibilities of the Legislature.
(a) The legislature shall annually pass and transmit to the governor a bill making appropriations of money for the state's integrated comprehensive mental health...
- Sec. 37.14.007 Authority As Trustee.
(a) The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, established by AS 47.30.011, is the trustee of the trust established under the Alaska Mental Health Enabling...
- Sec. 37.14.009 Trust Management.
(a) The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority(1) has a fiduciary obligation to ensure that the assets of the trust are managed consistent with the...
- Sec. 37.14.010 Mental Health Fund Established. [Repealed, Sec. 13 Ch 48 Sla 1987].
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- Sec. 37.14.011 Mental Health Trust Income Account. [Repealed, Sec. 12 Ch 1 Sssla 1994].
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- Sec. 37.14.013 Mental Health Trust Income and Proceeds Account. [Repealed, Sec. 49 Ch 5 Fssla 1994; Sec. 9 Ch 1 Sssla 1994].
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- Sec. 37.14.020 Mental Health Fund Advisory Board Created. [Repealed, Sec. 13 Ch 48 Sla 1987].
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- Sec. 37.14.021 Utilization of the Mental Health Trust Income Account. [Repealed, Sec. 39 Ch 5 Fssla 1994].
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- Sec. 37.14.023 Utilization of the Mental Health Trust Income and Proceeds Account. [Repealed, Sec. 49 Ch 5 Fssla 1994; Sec. 9 Ch 1 Sssla 1994].
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- Sec. 37.14.030 Powers and Duties of Board. [Repealed, Sec. 13 Ch 48 Sla 1987].
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- Sec. 37.14.031 Trust Fund Established.
(a) The mental health trust fund is established as a separate fund of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority.(b) The fund consists of the...
- Sec. 37.14.033 Management of Trust Fund.
The mental health trust fund shall be managed by the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation under AS 37.13.300 .
- Sec. 37.14.035 Trust Fund Utilization.
(a) The cash principal of the mental health trust fund shall be retained perpetually in the fund for investment by the Alaska Permanent Fund...
- Sec. 37.14.036 Trust Settlement Income Account Established.
(a) The mental health trust settlement income account is established as a separate account of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority. The mental health...
- Sec. 37.14.039 Trust Settlement Income Account Administration.
(a) The mental health trust settlement income account shall be administered by the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority.(b) If the authority determines that there...
- Sec. 37.14.040 Fund Utilization. [Repealed, Sec. 13 Ch 48 Sla 1987].
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- Sec. 37.14.041 Use of Trust Settlement Income Account.
(a) Money in the mental health trust settlement income account may only be used for the following purposes:(1) the awarding of grants and contracts...
- Sec. 37.14.045 Limitation on Grants and Contracts Paid for From Mental Health Trust Settlement Income Account.
(a) The authority may award grants and contracts that are paid for from money in the mental health trust settlement income account only in...
- Sec. 37.14.050 Contributions. [Repealed, Sec. 13 Ch 48 Sla 1987].
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- Sec. 37.14.099 Definitions.
In AS 37.14.001 - 37.14.099,(1) "authority" means the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority established under AS 47.30.011 ;(2) "board" means the board of trustees...
Last modified: November 15, 2016