A person who terminates employment before meeting the eligibility requirements of AS 14.25.470 or AS 39.35.870 loses any right to the contributions made on behalf of the person to the teachers' and public employees' retiree health reimbursement arrangement trust fund. If a person returns to employment with a participating employer by December 31 of the year in which the person reaches 65 years of age, the person's account balance shall be restored in the amount recorded on the date of termination from the trust, adjusted for inflation at the rate of the Consumer Price Index for Anchorage, Alaska. The earlier period of employment with a participating employer shall be credited toward eligibility for medical benefits.
Section: Previous 39.30.320 39.30.330 39.30.335 39.30.340 39.30.350 39.30.360 39.30.370 39.30.380 39.30.390 39.30.400 39.30.410 39.30.420 39.30.430 39.30.440 39.30.495 NextLast modified: November 15, 2016