Sec. 43.08.020 Issuance and Payment of Notes.
The commissioner shall issue notes for the amounts borrowed in anticipation of the collection of revenues, direct or indirect, for that year. The notes...
Sec. 43.08.030 Security and Payment.
Notes issued under this chapter shall, with interest thereon, be paid from revenues in anticipation of the collection of which the same were issued...
Sec. 43.08.035 Annual Appropriation.
(a) There is appropriated each fiscal year from the general fund the amount necessary for the payment of interest on revenue anticipation notes issued...
Sec. 43.08.040 Sale of Notes.
Notes authorized to be issued under this chapter shall be sold by the commissioner in the manner and at the price or prices as...
Sec. 43.08.050 Execution of Notes.
Notes for money borrowed in anticipation of revenues shall be signed by the governor and countersigned by the lieutenant governor. The governor's signature may...
Sec. 43.08.060 Decision.
The commissioner has discretion to determine the necessity for time, amount, and terms of such borrowing. The reasonable exercise of such discretion shall be...