Alaska Statutes Title 44, Chapter 44.12, Article 04 - Official Language
- Sec. 44.12.300 Findings and Purpose.
The people of the State of Alaska find that English is the common unifying language of the State of Alaska and the United States...
- Sec. 44.12.310 Official Languages.
(a) The English, Inupiaq, Siberian Yupik, Central Alaskan Yup'ik, Alutiiq, Unangax, Dena'ina, Deg Xinag, Holikachuk, Koyukon, Upper Kuskokwim, Gwich'in, Tanana, Upper Tanana, Tanacross, Han,...
- Sec. 44.12.320 Scope.
The English language is the language to be used by all public agencies in all government functions and actions. The English language shall be...
- Sec. 44.12.330 Applicability.
AS 44.12.300 - 44.12.390 apply to the legislative and executive branches of the State of Alaska and all political subdivisions, including all departments, agencies,...
- Sec. 44.12.340 Exceptions.
(a) The government, as defined in AS 44.12.330 , may use a language other than English when necessary for the following purposes:(1) to communicate...
- Sec. 44.12.350 Public Accountability.
All costs related to the preparation, translation, printing, or recording of documents, records, brochures, pamphlets, flyers, or other material in languages other than English...
- Sec. 44.12.360 Non-Denial of Employment or Services.
(a) No governmental entity shall require knowledge of a language other than English as a condition of employment unless the requirements of the position...
- Sec. 44.12.370 Private Sector Excluded.
AS 44.12.300 - 44.12.390 shall not be construed in any way that infringes upon the rights of persons to use languages other than English...
- Sec. 44.12.380 Private Cause of Action Authorized.
Any person may bring suit against any governmental entity to enforce the provisions of AS 44.12.300 - 44.12.390.
- Sec. 44.12.390 Severability.
The provisions of AS 44.12.300 - 44.12.390 are independent and severable, and if any provision of AS 44.12.300 - 44.12.390, or the applicability of...
Last modified: November 15, 2016