Arizona Revised Statutes § 32-3218 Health Profession Regulatory Boards; Members; Training; Definitions

32-3218. Health profession regulatory boards; members; training; definitions

A. Beginning January 1, 2015, each member of a health profession regulatory board shall complete a twelve-hour training within one year after the member's initial appointment to the board. Any member of a health profession regulatory board whose initial appointment was before January 1, 2015 has until January 1, 2016 to complete the training required by this subsection. The training must include the subjects of governance and administrative management, disciplinary procedures, conduct of quasi-judicial proceedings, administrative procedure and rule adoption and licensure as they apply to the health profession regulatory board. Any training completed by a current board member on and after January 1, 2014 on the topics specified in this subsection may count toward the requirements of this subsection.

B. The training of board members required by this section may be provided by the staff of any health profession regulatory board, the office of the attorney general, the department of administration, the auditor general or an outside educational institution or any other provider that is approved by the health profession regulatory board on which the member is serving.

C. Any board action taken by a health profession regulatory board is not subject to challenge or invalidation because a board member has not completed the training required by this section.

D. For the purposes of this section:

1. " Health profession regulatory board" means any board that regulates one or more health professional in this state.

2. " Health professional" means a person who is certified or licensed pursuant to chapter 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 15.1, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19.1, 21, 25, 28, 29, 34, 35, 39, 41 or 42 of this title.

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Last modified: October 13, 2016