Arizona Revised Statutes § 36-2302 Experimentation On Human Fetus Or Embryo Prohibited; Physician‑patient Privilege Inapplicable

36-2302. Experimentation on human fetus or embryo prohibited; physician-patient privilege inapplicable

A. A person shall not knowingly use any human fetus or embryo, living or dead, or any parts, organs or fluids of any such fetus or embryo resulting from an induced abortion in any manner for any medical experimentation or scientific or medical investigation purposes except as is strictly necessary to diagnose a disease or condition in the mother of the fetus or embryo and only if the abortion was performed because of such disease or condition.

B. The physician-patient privilege as provided in section 13-4062, paragraph 4 shall not prevent the production of documents or records relevant to an investigation arising under this section. All documents or records produced in an action brought pursuant to this section shall be inspected by the court in camera, and before the documents or records are released to the requesting party, the court shall remove the names and other identifying information, if any, of the patients and substitute pseudonyms.

C. This section shall not prohibit routine pathological examinations conducted by a medical examiner or hospital laboratory provided such pathological examination is not a part of or in any way related to any medical or scientific experimentation.

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Last modified: October 13, 2016