Arkansas Code § 1-2-103 - Repeal of Prior Laws by Code -- Exceptions

(a) All acts, codes, and statutes, and all parts of them and all amendments to them of a general and permanent nature in effect on December 31, 1987, are repealed unless:

(1) Expressly continued by specific provision of this Code;

(2) Omitted improperly or erroneously as a consequence of compilation, revision, or both, of the laws enacted prior to this Code, including, without limitation, any omissions that may have occurred during the compilation, revision, or both, of the laws composing this Code; or

(3) Omitted, changed, or modified by the Arkansas Code Revision Commission, or its predecessors, in a manner not authorized by the laws or the constitutions of Arkansas in effect at the time of the omission, change, or modification.

(b) In the event one of the above exceptions should be applicable, the law as it existed on December 31, 1987, shall continue to be valid, effective, and controlling.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016