(a) The House Committee on Education and the Senate Committee on Education between legislative sessions shall continually and routinely:
(1) Assess the needs and problems of:
(A) The public school districts of this state;
(B) Technical institutes and vocational-technical schools; and
(C) Institutions of higher education; and
(2) Engage in a constant dialogue with the:
(A) Department of Education;
(B) Department of Career Education; and
(C) Department of Higher Education.
(b) In order to assist the General Assembly, the Department of Education, the Department of Career Education, and the Department of Higher Education shall not only respond to the inquiries of the House Committee on Education and the Senate Committee on Education, but shall of their own motion alert the membership of the House Committee on Education and the Senate Committee on Education to problems and needs of, and recommendations concerning, all public education endeavors in Arkansas.
Section: 10-3-1003Last modified: November 15, 2016