§ 10-3-401 - Creation.
There is established a committee of the General Assembly to be known as the "Legislative Joint Auditing Committee". It is the intention of the...
§ 10-3-402 - Purpose and Definitions.
(a) It is determined that adequate information is not available at each biennial session of the General Assembly through which the members of the...
§ 10-3-403 - Members -- Selection.
(a) The Legislative Joint Auditing Committee shall consist of members of the General Assembly to be selected as follows: (1) (A) The Senate shall...
§ 10-3-404 - Tenure -- Vacancies -- Alternates.
(a) Tenure of membership and means of filling vacant positions for members of the House of Representatives shall be as prescribed by the Rules...
§ 10-3-405 - Meetings.
(a) The Legislative Joint Auditing Committee shall meet upon call or announcement by either cochair or upon petition of ten (10) of the regular...
§ 10-3-406 - Meetings During Legislative Session.
(a) The Legislative Joint Auditing Committee is authorized to meet and transact its normal business during all legislative sessions as provided in this section.(b)...
§ 10-3-407 - Duties -- Cochairs.
(a) The duties of the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee shall be to provide for the auditing of any entity of the state or political...
§ 10-3-408 - Rules and Regulations.
The Legislative Joint Auditing Committee may establish any rules and regulations as it may deem fit which are not inconsistent with law.