Arkansas Code Title 11, Chapter 2, Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
- § 11-2-101 - Purpose.
The purpose of the Department of Labor shall be to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners of Arkansas, to improve...
- § 11-2-102 - Definitions.
When used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise requires: (1) (A) "Employer" includes every person, firm, corporation, partnership, stock association, agent, manager, representative,...
- § 11-2-103 - Exception.
This subchapter shall not apply to mines and mining or the mining industry.
- § 11-2-104 - Penalties.
(a) Any employer or owner who violates or fails or refuses to comply with any provision of this subchapter, any lawful order of the...
- § 11-2-105 - Enforcement.
(a) (1) It shall be the duty of the Attorney General and the several prosecuting attorneys, upon request of the Director of the Department...
- § 11-2-106 - Creation.
(a) A Department of Labor is created and established under the supervision and direction of a director to be known as the Director of...
- § 11-2-107 - Director -- Appointment, Compensation, Etc.
(a) The Governor shall appoint the Director of the Department of Labor, subject to confirmation by the Senate.(b) (1) The director shall serve at...
- § 11-2-108 - Director -- Powers and Duties Generally.
In addition to such other duties and powers as may be conferred upon him or her by law, the Director of the Department of...
- § 11-2-109 - Director -- Intervention in and Arbitration of Labor Disputes.
(a) In addition to such other duties and powers as may be conferred upon him or her by law, the Director of the Department...
- § 11-2-110 - Director -- Rulemaking Authority.
(a) In addition to such other powers and duties as may be conferred upon him or her by law, the Director of the Department...
- § 11-2-111 - Office -- Employees -- Location of Hearings.
(a) The Director of the Department of Labor is authorized to appoint a deputy director, a secretary, the heads of divisions, and such other...
- § 11-2-112 - Promulgation of Rules.
(a) Before any rule is adopted, amended, or repealed, there shall be a public hearing thereon, notice of which shall be published at least...
- § 11-2-113 - Variation of Rule Due to Difficulties or Hardship.
(a) If there shall be practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in carrying out a rule of the Director of the Department of Labor, the...
- § 11-2-114 - Judicial Review of Rules.
(a) (1) Any person aggrieved by a rule of the Director of the Department of Labor made pursuant to ยง 11-2-112 may commence an...
- § 11-2-115 - Employer Records -- Inspection.
(a) (1) Every employer or owner shall furnish to the Director of the Department of Labor any information that the director is authorized to...
- § 11-2-116 - Entry and Inspection of Workplace, Etc.
(a) The Director of the Department of Labor and his or her authorized representatives shall have the power and authority to enter any place...
- § 11-2-117 - Safe Place of Employment -- Duties of Employer and Director.
(a) Every employer shall furnish employment that is safe for the employees therein and shall furnish and use safety devices and safeguards. The employer...
- § 11-2-118 - Oaths, Certifications, Subpoenas, Etc. -- Enforcement by Contempt.
(a) The Director of the Department of Labor and any officer of the Department of Labor designated by the director, in the performance of...
- § 11-2-119 - False Statements Made Under Oath Deemed Perjury.
Any employer or owner who shall knowingly testify falsely, under oath, or shall knowingly make, give, or produce any false statements or false evidence,...
- § 11-2-120 - Annual Report.
(a) The Director of the Department of Labor shall annually, on or before January 1, file with the Governor a report covering the activities...
- § 11-2-121 - Agreements With Government Agencies.
(a) The Director of the Department of Labor is authorized to enter into agreements with the United States Government and any and all other...
- § 11-2-122 - Disclosure to Employees -- Health Benefits Available.
(a) Any employer or owner who does make available any health benefits to employees, excluding workers' compensation, shall inform and notify the employees of...
- § 11-2-123 - Employment Training and Placement Programs for Ex-Offenders.
(a) In order to help facilitate the restoration of an ex-offender's responsibility and self-sufficiency, the Department of Labor shall work in conjunction with other...
- § 11-2-124 - Social Media Accounts of Current and Prospective Employees.
(a) As used in this section: (1) "Employee" means an individual who provides services or labor for wages or other remuneration for an employer;...
Last modified: November 15, 2016