Arkansas Code § 12-64-402 - Jurisdiction Generally

(a) Each force of the organized militia has court-martial jurisdiction and powers over all persons subject to this code and shall follow the forms and procedures provided for similar courts of the United States Army and United States Air Force.

(b) The exercise of jurisdiction by one force over personnel of another force shall be in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Governor.

(c) The jurisdiction of the military courts and boards established by this code shall be presumed and the burden of proof rests on any person seeking to oust those courts or boards of jurisdiction in any action or proceeding.

Section: 12-64-402  12-64-403  12-64-404  12-64-405  12-64-406  12-64-407  12-64-409  12-64-410  12-64-411  12-64-412  12-64-413  12-64-414    Next

Last modified: November 15, 2016