Arkansas Code § 14-24-206 - Claims Against School Districts

(a) It is the intent of this subchapter to allow that all claims duly verified and allowed against the school districts of this state may be handled in accordance with the following procedure:

(1) The ex officio financial secretary of the school district may cause a check to be prepared in payment of claims against the district. The check is to be accompanied by an attached certification from the ex officio financial secretary stating that the check is for payment of a valid claim against the school district properly presented and allowed, as provided by law, the check being presented to the county treasurer for his or her signature and the check being in triplicate snap-out form, allowing for the following information and distribution:

(A) Original check, after being transmitted to the county treasurer for his or her signature, will be delivered to the party presenting the claim to the school district;

(B) Duplicate copy of the check, which will provide the printed certification thereon by the ex officio financial secretary to the county treasurer and provide for the original signature of the ex officio financial secretary on the certification, will be maintained by the county treasurer; and

(C) Triplicate copy of the check and attached certification which is a part thereof, will be maintained by the school district, with all supporting documentation for the payment being filed with this copy; and

(2) The checks shall be prenumbered and designed in such form that the specific appropriation applicable and particular fund affected, out of which the check is to be paid, is noted thereon.

(b) A county may elect to adopt procedures as set forth in §§ 14-24-204 and 14-24-205 and not follow this section, leaving the procedures for payment of just claims against school districts as they exist.

Section: Previous  14-24-202  14-24-203  14-24-204  14-24-205  14-24-206  

Last modified: November 15, 2016