Arkansas Code § 14-42-307 - Powers of Municipalities

(a) (1) Each municipality operating under a charter shall have the authority to exercise all powers relating to municipal affairs.

(2) This grant of authority shall not be deemed to limit or restrict the powers of the General Assembly in matters of state affairs, nor shall this subchapter be construed as increasing or diminishing the powers of the state to regulate utilities not municipally owned or fix the rates thereof.

(b) The following shall be deemed to be a part of the powers conferred upon the municipalities by this subchapter:

(1) To levy, assess, and collect taxes within the limits prescribed in the charter adopted by the municipality and the limits prescribed in the Arkansas Constitution;

(2) To furnish all local public services and to acquire property therefor by condemnation or otherwise, within or without the corporate limits, subject, however, to the provisions of the general laws of the State of Arkansas, including any law requiring that the acquisition of a utility plant be approved by a municipal election. However, no property can be acquired under this subchapter by the issuance of bonds, notes, or other evidence of indebtedness unless the bonds, notes, or evidence of indebtedness is secured by the credit of the city and all the property therein; and

(3) To exercise all powers conferred by the state constitution and the General Assembly generally upon municipalities not contrary to this subchapter.

(c) No municipality shall pass any laws contrary to the criminal laws of the State of Arkansas.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016