Arkansas Code Title 14, Subtitle 12, Chapter 199, Subchapter 5 - Electric Distribution System Management
§ 14-199-501 - Authority to Create Commission.
All cities of the first class in excess of population of fifty thousand (50,000), according to the last official federal census and having the...
§ 14-199-502 - General Powers of Commission.
(a) The commission created pursuant to this subchapter shall have full power to operate and control the utilities system entrusted to its direction by...
§ 14-199-503 - Fiscal Powers of Commission.
(a) (1) Subject to restrictions set forth in the ordinance creating the commission, it shall have power to borrow money and issue negotiable evidences...
§ 14-199-504 - Quarterly Report.
The commission shall report to the city council on each calendar quarter of the year on the state of the operations of the commission...