§ 14-249-101 - Applicability.
Sections 14-249-103 -- 14-249-106 are primarily intended to regulate connections to sewer systems operating where there are now no regulations as to sewer connections...
§ 14-249-102 - Formation Authorized.
The property owners adjacent to any city of the first or second class are authorized to form a sanitary sewer district in the same...
§ 14-249-103 - Procedure for Tapping Service.
(a) The commissioners of any suburban sewer district, which has built sanitary sewer lines outside the corporate limits of towns and cities of the...
§ 14-249-104 - Employment of Inspector.
(a) The board of commissioners of any sewer district may employ an inspector and fix the inspector's compensation, which shall be a portion of...
§ 14-249-106 - Disposition of Fees.
All funds received by the district from connection fees over and above the amount paid the inspector shall be kept in a bank in...