Arkansas Code Title 14, Subtitle 2, Chapter 17, Subchapter 2 - County Planning Boards
- § 14-17-201 - Construction.
This subchapter shall be construed liberally. The enumeration of any object, purpose, power, manner, method, or thing shall not be deemed to exclude like...
- § 14-17-202 - Applicability.
(a) Nothing in this subchapter shall invalidate any plans, ordinances, or regulations duly adopted in accordance with the statutes in effect at the time...
- § 14-17-203 - Creation and Organization.
(a) With the approval of the majority of the members of the county quorum court, the county judge of any county may create a...
- § 14-17-204 - Employees and Facilities.
(a) The county judge may appoint such employees as he or she may deem necessary for the county planning board's work, whose appointment, promotion,...
- § 14-17-205 - Powers, Duties, and Functions.
(a) The general purpose of the county planning board is to promote public interest in planning, to prepare or have prepared plans for the...
- § 14-17-206 - Purpose and Content of County Plan.
(a) The county plan shall be made with the general purpose of guiding and accomplishing a coordinated, efficient, and economic development of the county,...
- § 14-17-207 - Adoption, Amendment, and Enforcement of Official Plans and Implementing Ordinances.
(a) The county planning board, by majority vote of its entire membership, may recommend to the county quorum court the adoption, revision, or rescission...
- § 14-17-208 - Subdivision, Setback, and Entry Control Ordinances.
(a) The county planning board may prepare and, after approval by the county quorum court, shall administer the ordinance controlling the development of land....
- § 14-17-209 - Zoning Ordinance -- Board of Zoning Adjustment.
(a) The county planning board shall have authority to prepare, or to cause to be prepared, a zoning ordinance for all or part of...
- § 14-17-210 - Unincorporated Areas Being Developed With Federal Funds.
The county planning board shall have the exclusive zoning and planning jurisdiction over all unincorporated areas lying within a county and along a navigable...
- § 14-17-211 - Appeals.
In addition to any remedy provided by law, appeals from final action taken by administrative, quasi-judicial, and legislative agencies concerned in the administration of...
Last modified: November 15, 2016