Arkansas Code Title 14, Subtitle 2, Chapter 22 - County Purchasing Procedures
- § 14-22-101 - Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: (1) "Commodities" means all supplies, goods, material, equipment, machinery, facilities, personal property, and services...
- § 14-22-102 - Applicability.
(a) It is unlawful for any county official to make any purchases with county funds in excess of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000), unless the...
- § 14-22-103 - Penalty.
Any person or official who intentionally violates the provisions of this chapter upon conviction shall be fined in any amount not less than one...
- § 14-22-104 - Purchases Permitted.
All purchases of commodities made by any county purchasing official with county funds, except those specifically exempted by this chapter, shall be made as...
- § 14-22-105 - Purchase of Motor Fuels and Accessories.
For the purpose of this chapter, any county within this state may be considered a state agency for the purpose of purchasing gasoline, oil,...
- § 14-22-106 - Purchases Exempted From Soliciting Bids.
The following listed commodities may be purchased without soliciting bids: (1) Perishable foodstuffs for immediate use; (2) Unprocessed feed for livestock and poultry; (3)...
- § 14-22-107 - List of Eligible Bidders.
(a) The county purchasing official shall establish and maintain a list of eligible bidders covering all commodities and shall furnish copies of it to...
- § 14-22-108 - Bidding Procedure.
(a) All bids which require either formal or informal bidding shall be opened in public and read at the time and place specified in...
- § 14-22-109 - Descriptions and Specifications.
(a) Descriptions and specifications shall be sufficiently restricted or specific so as to exclude cheap or inferior commodities which are not suitable or practicable...
- § 14-22-110 - Testing and Examination of Products.
(a) The purchasing official is authorized to establish and enforce standards for all commodities for which formal bidding is required and to make or...
- § 14-22-111 - Awarding of Contracts.
(a) All contracts shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, taking into consideration all relevant facts, including without limitation quality, time of performance,...
- § 14-22-112 - Order of Approval.
(a) No contract shall be awarded or any purchase made until it has been approved by the county court, and no contract shall be...
- § 14-22-113 - Trade-Ins.
(a) In the case of a purchase contract in which trade-ins are being offered on the purchase of commodities, the full purchase price shall...
- § 14-22-114 - Failure of Performance.
If any bidder to whom a purchase contract is awarded under the provisions of this chapter shall refuse or fail to perform the contract...
- § 14-22-115 - Legal Counsel.
The purchasing official, upon approval of the county court, may call upon the prosecuting attorney of the district in which the county lies, or...
Last modified: November 15, 2016