Arkansas Code Title 14, Subtitle 24, Chapter 387, Subchapter 2 - Creation of District -- Petition Method
§ 14-387-201 - Duty to Order No Running At Large.
Upon the written petition of a majority of the qualified electors of any county bordering upon a navigable stream and having territory in cultivation...
§ 14-387-202 - Filing of Petition.
(a) When the qualified electors of any county, or subdivision of a county consisting of not less than thirty-six (36) square miles, desire to...
§ 14-387-203 - Deposit for Costs, Etc.
(a) The county court, after the filing of a petition pursuant to § 14-387-202 shall proceed no further with the matter until the petitioners,...
§ 14-387-204 - Notice of Filing Petition.
(a) (1) After the filing of the petition as provided in § 14-387-202, the county court shall make an order directing the clerk to...
§ 14-387-206 - Setting Aside of Order.
(a) (1) Whenever any county or subdivision has availed itself of this subchapter and subchapter 1 of this chapter, it shall be lawful for...