Arkansas Code Title 14, Subtitle 3, Chapter 37 - Classification of Cities and Towns
- § 14-37-101 - Applicability.
All corporations which existed when the Arkansas Constitution of 1874 took effect for the purpose of municipal government, and described or denominated in any...
- § 14-37-102 - Division Into Classes.
In respect to the exercise of certain corporate powers and to the number, character, powers, and duties of certain officers, municipal corporations are divided...
- § 14-37-103 - Population Limits.
(a) (1) All municipal corporations having over two thousand five hundred (2,500) inhabitants shall be deemed cities of the first class. (2) All cities...
- § 14-37-104 - Cities of the First Class.
(a) All cities, which at the last federal census had, or now have, a population exceeding two thousand five hundred (2,500) inhabitants shall be...
- § 14-37-105 - Cities of the Second Class.
(a) Any incorporated town of the State of Arkansas which, at any future federal census, or any census taken under the authority of the...
- § 14-37-106 - Board of Municipal Corporations.
The Board of Municipal Corporations shall consist of the Auditor of State, Secretary of State, and Attorney General. The Secretary of State shall be
- § 14-37-107 - Advancement of Cities and Towns According to Census.
(a) (1) It shall be the duty of the Governor, the Auditor of State, and the Secretary of State, or any two (2) of...
- § 14-37-108 - Application for Advancement Between Census Periods.
(a) The Auditor of State, Secretary of State, and Attorney General may declare incorporated towns cities of the second class, and cities of the...
- § 14-37-109 - Appointment of Enumerators to Take Census.
(a) (1) Whenever any city or incorporated town shall desire to be made a city of the first or second class, or if it...
- § 14-37-110 - Returns of Enumerators.
(a) (1) Before the enumerators shall enter upon their duties, they shall make and subscribe to an oath to well and faithfully perform their...
- § 14-37-111 - Reduction of City to Lower Grade -- in General.
(a) Whenever the last federal census shows that any city of the first class has fewer than two thousand five hundred (2,500) inhabitants and...
- § 14-37-112 - Incorporated Town May Become City of the Second Class.
(a) (1) Any incorporated town in this state may become a city of the second class by the adoption and publication of an ordinance,...
- § 14-37-113 - Effect of Population Changes on Legislation.
Whenever any law of this state provides that the provisions of it shall apply to any city within a defined population classification, it is...
- § 14-37-114 - Reduction of City of the First Class to City of the Second Class.
(a) Whenever the last federal census shows that any city of the first class has less than five thousand (5,000) inhabitants, the city may...
Last modified: November 15, 2016