Arkansas Code Title 14, Subtitle 3, Chapter 45 - Government of Incorporated Towns
- § 14-45-101 - Corporate Authority.
(a) The corporate authority of incorporated towns shall vest in a town council composed of the five (5) aldermen who shall be qualified electors...
- § 14-45-102 - Election of Aldermen.
(a) (1) Except as provided in subdivision (a)(2) of this section, on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November 1982 and every two...
- § 14-45-103 - Vacancies.
(a) When a vacancy occurs in the office of alderman in an incorporated town, at the first regular meeting after the occurrence of the...
- § 14-45-104 - Election of Mayor.
The qualified electors in incorporated towns shall elect a mayor for a term of four (4) years on the Tuesday following the first Monday...
- § 14-45-105 - Powers of Mayor Generally.
(a) The mayor in incorporated towns shall be ex officio president of the town council, shall preside at its meetings, and shall have a...
- § 14-45-106 - Mayor of an Incorporated Town.
(a) The mayor of an incorporated town shall perform all duties required by the ordinances of the city and shall give bond and security...
- § 14-45-107 - Presiding Officer of Council -- Clerk.
(a) The mayor or, in case of his or her absence, the recorder-treasurer, shall preside at all meetings of the town council. The recorder-treasurer...
- § 14-45-108 - Election of Recorder-Treasurer.
The qualified voters of incorporated towns shall elect one (1) recorder-treasurer on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November 1982 and every four...
- § 14-45-109 - Appointment of Marshal and Other Officers.
(a) The council of any incorporated town shall have power to provide, by ordinance, for the election of a town marshal and such other...
- § 14-45-110 - Residency of Marshals.
Incorporated towns shall have the authority to require their appointed marshals to reside within their corporate limits, and they shall have the authority to...
- § 14-45-111 - Powers and Duties of Marshals.
(a) The town marshal of incorporated towns shall be the principal ministerial officer of the town. He or she shall have the same power...
Last modified: November 15, 2016