Arkansas Code Title 14, Subtitle 3, Chapter 55, Subchapter 3 - Referral to Electors
§ 14-55-301 - Proposed or Adopted Ordinances.
(a) The city council or governing body of any municipality, by a majority vote of its members, may refer any proposed ordinance to the...
§ 14-55-302 - Enacted Ordinances.
Any ordinance enacted by the governing body of any city or town in the state may be referred to a vote of the electors...
§ 14-55-303 - Form of Ordinance Ballot Question.
(a) (1) Except as provided in subdivision (a)(2) of this section, the ballot in an election on an ordinance proposed by initiative shall plainly...
§ 14-55-304 - Municipal Referendum Petition.
Except for a municipal referendum petition concerning a municipal bond, a sponsor shall be given sixty (60) days to circulate a municipal referendum petition.