Arkansas Code Title 14, Subtitle 7, Chapter 116, Subchapter 4 - Operation of Water Districts
- § 14-116-401 - Exemption From Jurisdiction of Arkansas Public Service Commission.
Water districts organized under this subchapter shall be exempt in any and all respects from the jurisdiction and control of the Arkansas Public Service
- § 14-116-402 - District Powers.
(a) Each water district shall have power to: (1) Sue and be sued and complain and defend in the district's name; (2) Adopt a...
- § 14-116-403 - Appeal From District Actions.
Any person aggrieved by the service furnished or rates charged by the water district shall have, as a matter of right, the right to...
- § 14-116-404 - Revenues.
(a) Water districts formed pursuant to this subchapter shall be operated without profit, but the rates, fees, rent, or other charges for water and...
- § 14-116-405 - Tax Exemption.
Water districts formed under this chapter shall be exempt from all excise taxes of whatsoever kind or nature, and further, shall be exempt from...
- § 14-116-406 - Annexation of Additional Territory.
(a) Additional territory may be annexed to and embraced by a water district established and operating under this subchapter by petition to the circuit...
- § 14-116-407 - Contracts -- Water District and United States.
The board is authorized to: (1) Cooperate with the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof, hereinafter referred to as the "United States",...
Last modified: November 15, 2016