Arkansas Code Title 14, Subtitle 7, Chapter 120, Subchapter 3 - Consolidation of District Duties, Obligations, and Purposes
- § 14-120-301 - Legislative Determination.
It is found and declared as a matter of legislative determination that: (1) The construction, operation, and maintenance of those flood control and drainage...
- § 14-120-302 - Definition.
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, "board of directors" includes the board of commissioners or other governing body of a...
- § 14-120-303 - Construction.
It is the legislative intent that all provisions of this subchapter shall be liberally and reasonably construed so as to give them full force...
- § 14-120-304 - Subchapter Cumulative.
This subchapter shall be construed to be cumulative to existing laws relating to levee districts, drainage districts, or levee and drainage districts and shall...
- § 14-120-305 - Construction of Levees and Drainage Works Declared Conducive to Public Welfare.
(a) It is found and declared as a matter of legislative determination that the construction of levees, levee foundations, channel rectifications, floodways, reservoirs, spillways,...
- § 14-120-306 - Powers of Board of Directors.
(a) In order to discharge the obligations for which the district was originally created and those which it assumed under the terms of subchapter...
- § 14-120-307 - Conveyance of Rights-Of-way Across State Lands.
The Governor and the Secretary of State are authorized, empowered, and directed to make and execute any and all necessary and proper contracts, easements,...
- § 14-120-308 - Agreements for Construction Across Highways.
If any levee, flood control, or drainage work contemplated to be done by any district coming within the provisions of this subchapter is to...
- § 14-120-309 - Eminent Domain by the United States.
(a) The State of Arkansas agrees that the United States of America, the Secretary of the Army of the United States on behalf of...
- § 14-120-310 - Authority to Consolidate.
(a) Any levee district, drainage district, or any levee and drainage district, in this state which has executed or may hereafter execute contracts with...
- § 14-120-311 - Consolidation Procedure.
(a) No levee district, drainage district, or levee and drainage district coming within the provision of this subchapter shall exercise any of their powers...
- § 14-120-312 - Consolidation and Use of Assets -- Prior Liabilities and Obligations.
(a) Any levee district, drainage district, or levee and drainage district, which shall consolidate the duties, obligations, and purposes for which it was originally...
- § 14-120-313 - Board of Assessors.
The duly constituted board of assessors of the levee district, drainage district, or levee and drainage district, which shall have consolidated the duties, obligations,...
- § 14-120-314 - Assessment Roll.
(a) The board of assessors shall, each for the county he represents, make in a book, to be provided by the district for that...
- § 14-120-315 - Assessment -- Time, Certification, and Filing.
(a) The assessors shall make their assessments in their respective counties at such time as they may be directed so to do by the...
- § 14-120-316 - Board of Assessment and Equalization.
(a) When the assessments for each county shall have been filed, the president of the board of directors of the district shall call a...
- § 14-120-317 - Chancery Court Review of Assessment.
Any person aggrieved by an assessment made or equalized by the board of assessment and equalization may have that assessment reviewed by the chancery...
- § 14-120-318 - Annual Assessment and Levy of Tax Upon Increased Value.
For the purpose of enabling any levee district, drainage district, or levee and drainage district to carry out the purposes for which the district...
- § 14-120-319 - Alternative Method of Assessment -- Reassessment.
(a) Any levee district, drainage district, or levee and drainage district in this state, lying in one (1) or more counties, which may hereafter...
- § 14-120-320 - Collectors.
(a) The qualified and acting tax collectors of levee districts, drainage districts, or levee and drainage districts which may hereafter avail themselves of the...
- § 14-120-321 - Penalty for Delinquency -- Enforcement Proceedings Generally.
(a) If the annual tax levied as provided in this subchapter is not paid within the time fixed by law: (1) A penalty of...
- § 14-120-322 - Filing Complaint of Delinquency -- Notice.
(a) The board of directors of the district shall file its complaint, setting out the list of delinquent lands, town lots, suburban lots, rural...
- § 14-120-323 - Trial Date -- Continuance or Dismissal.
(a) The suit shall stand for trial on any day of the first term of court held after the filing of the complaint, provided...
- § 14-120-324 - Trial Procedure.
(a) The suit shall be conducted in accordance with the practice and procedure of chancery courts in this state, except as provided in this...
- § 14-120-325 - Decree -- Sale of Real Property by Commissioner.
(a) If the taxes, interest, penalty, and costs are not paid before the day of the taking of the decree, the court shall: (1)...
- § 14-120-326 - Execution of Deed.
(a) It shall be the duty of the commissioner to execute his deed to the purchaser of each separate tract as in other chancery...
- § 14-120-327 - Redemption of Property -- Vacation of Decree.
Notwithstanding the provisions of ยง 14-120-326, the owner of any lands, town lots, suburban lots, rural lots, industrial tracts, blocks, railroads, tramroads, telegraph, telephone,...
- § 14-120-328 - Authority to Borrow Money and Issue Bonds -- Purpose.
For the purpose of enabling the board of directors of any levee district, drainage district, or levee and drainage district to carry out the...
- § 14-120-329 - Sale of Bonds -- Interest Coupons.
(a) Bonds or notes may be sold and negotiated in any market, either at public or private sale, and may be made callable.(b) The...
- § 14-120-330 - Disposition and Use of Bond Proceeds.
The proceeds derived from the sale of those bonds or notes shall be paid to the treasurer of the district and may be used...
- § 14-120-331 - Lithographing and Registration of Bonds.
(a) The bonds shall be lithographed with such devices for identification and to prevent imitation as the board of directors may think proper.(b) The...
- § 14-120-332 - No Compensation for Negotiating Sale of Bonds.
No compensation shall be allowed the treasurer of the district, or any other officer or member of the board of directors, either directly or...
- § 14-120-333 - Use of Revenues for Bond Payment -- Lien.
(a) To secure the due and prompt payment of both principal and interest of any bonds or notes issued under the provisions of this...
Last modified: November 15, 2016