Arkansas Code § 15-11-702 - Findings

The General Assembly finds that:

(1) Arkansas is a state of natural cultural and scenic beauty, natural resources, and wildlife;

(2) Enjoyment of the natural cultural and scenic beauty, the natural resources, and the observation of wildlife in Arkansas is a favorite pastime of many;

(3) There will be a positive impact on the physical, intellectual, and emotional development of our youth through enhanced access to the state's natural resources and wildlife by establishing wildlife observation trails in local communities;

(4) The potential for growth in the tourism sector of the economy through the development of trails is significant;

(5) The growth of the economy through the development of trails is "green growth" that is good for the environment;

(6) The development of trails is also good for encouraging and promoting a healthy lifestyle for our citizens;

(7) Wildlife observation trails rank high among the list of local amenities that an industry desires when it considers locating within the state;

(8) In permitted hunting and fishing areas of the state, the creation of wildlife observation trials can improve access to those activities; and

(9) The Department of Parks and Tourism and the Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission are interested in continuing a Wildlife Observation Trails Pilot Program to ignite interest in the natural cultural and scenic beauty and natural resources of Arkansas and to promote economic development in a healthy and environmentally sound manner.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016