Arkansas Code § 15-22-604 - Powers of Commission

In addition to powers conferred under other laws, the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission shall have the power under this subchapter:

(1) To develop water resources projects;

(2) To acquire absolute title to and use for any purpose and at any place water stored in any reservoir or other impoundment;

(3) To acquire, collect, impound, store, transport, distribute, sell, furnish, and dispose of water to any person at any place;

(4) To construct, lease as lessee, and in any manner acquire, own, hold, maintain, operate, sell, dispose of, lease as lessor, exchange, and mortgage all or any part of any project;

(5) To purify, treat, and process water;

(6) To assist persons in the preparation of their premises for the use of water furnished by the commission and to construct upon such premises project properties of any kind and character and, in connection therewith, to receive, acquire, endorse, pledge, hypothecate, and dispose of notes, bonds, and other evidences of indebtedness;

(7) To acquire, own, hold, use, exercise, sell, mortgage, pledge, hypothecate, and in any manner to dispose of franchises, rights, privileges, licenses, rights-of-way, and easements necessary, useful, or appropriate;

(8) To sell and convey, mortgage, pledge, lease as lessor, and otherwise dispose of all or any part of any project or other properties, tangible or intangible, including, without limitation, franchises, rights, privileges, licenses, rights-of-way, and easements;

(9) To use the bed of any watercourse without adversely affecting existing riparian rights, any highway, or any right-of-way, easement, or other similar property rights or any tax-forfeited land owned or held by the State of Arkansas or by any political subdivision thereof;

(10) To have and exercise the right of eminent domain for the purpose of acquiring lands, whether by the fee title thereto or any easement, right-of-way, or other interest or estate therein, for reservoirs and other projects or portions thereof utilizing the procedure now provided for condemnation by railroads by §§ 18-15-1201 -- 18-15-1207;

(11) To accept gifts or grants of moneys, services, franchises, rights, privileges, licenses, rights-of-way, easements, or other property, real, personal, or mixed;

(12) To make any and all contracts necessary or convenient for the exercise of the powers or implementation of the purposes set forth in this subchapter;

(13) To fix, regulate, and collect rates, fees, rents, or other charges for water or for the use of any properties or services furnished by the commission; and

(14) To take such other action as may be appropriate to accomplish the purposes of this subchapter.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016