Arkansas Code § 15-4-2902 - Establishment -- Members

(a) There is established a committee to be known as the "Arkansas Workforce Investment Board and Adult Education Study Committee".

(b) The committee shall consist of twenty-six (26) members as follows:

(1) (A) Thirteen (13) members appointed by the Arkansas Workforce Investment Board.

(B) Ten (10) of the members appointed by the board shall be a representative from a workforce center in each of the ten (10) local workforce investment areas of the state; and

(2) (A) Thirteen (13) members appointed by the Adult Education Section of the Department of Career Education.

(B) Ten (10) of the members appointed by the Adult Education Section of the Department of Career Education shall be a representative from an adult education program in each of the ten (10) local workforce investment areas of the state.

(c) The appointed committee members shall be residents of the State of Arkansas at the time of appointment and throughout their terms.

(d) (1) If a vacancy occurs in an appointed position for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.

(2) The new appointee shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.

(e) The board and the Adult Education Section of the Department of Career Education shall each name one (1) member to serve as cochairs of the committee.

(f) (1) The committee shall meet at times and places that either of the cochairs deems necessary, but no meetings shall be held outside of the State of Arkansas.

(2) A majority of the members of the committee shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business.

(3) All actions of the committee shall be by a majority vote of the full membership of the committee.

(g) The committee shall:

(1) Review the programs and services offered by workforce centers and adult education programs and determine if those entities offer duplicative services;

(2) Determine the extent to which workforce centers and adult education programs are coordinating services to create a seamless system of education and training opportunities for adults; and

(3) Make specific recommendations for reducing unnecessary duplication of services and improving the coordination of services between workforce centers and adult education programs in the form of a written report to the Governor, the House Committee on Education, and the Senate Committee on Education on or before September 1, 2004, and an oral report to the House Committee on Education and the Senate Committee on Education as directed by the chairs of the respective legislative committees.

(h) (1) The Adult Education Section of the Department of Career Education and the board shall provide staff and meeting space to the committee.

(2) (A) Members of the committee shall serve without pay except members who receive compensation incidental to their regular employment.

(B) Members of the committee may receive expense reimbursement in accordance with ยง 25-16-902, to be paid by the Adult Education Section of the Department of Career Education or the board to the entities' respective appointees and to the extent money is available.

Section: 15-4-2902  

Last modified: November 15, 2016