Arkansas Code § 16-13-1409 - Case Coordinators

(a) The judges of each division of the Sixth Judicial District may appoint one (1) case coordinator for each division.

(b) The principal duties of the case coordinator shall be to maintain the court calendar, set dates for the trial of cases and for the hearing of motions, and other related and incidental duties at the direction of the judge.

(c) The case coordinator provided for in this section shall receive a salary of twenty-four thousand dollars ($24,000) per calendar year, which salary shall be paid by Pulaski County.

(d) (1) The salary of all case coordinators in the Sixth Judicial District set by this section and by county ordinance shall be amended to provide for an increase of the minimum salaries of four percent (4%) as of July 10, 1987; another increase of four percent (4%) beginning December 26, 1987; and another increase of four percent (4%) beginning December 24, 1988, unless a higher salary is provided by any other legislative act or county ordinance.

(2) All of the salaries shall be paid by Pulaski County. All of the salaries shall be paid bi-weekly by Pulaski County.

(3) When the county quorum court raises salaries for county employees, it shall also raise salaries an equivalent amount for the employees provided for in this subsection.

(4) The employees covered by this subsection shall be treated by Pulaski County in the same manner as other Pulaski County employees for all other purposes.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016