Arkansas Code § 17-11-305 - Certificate of Registration -- Temporary

(a) The Arkansas Abstracters' Board upon application to it by any person succeeding to the ownership of any abstract plant or business by any means other than by purchase, or any person who by reason of the incapacity of any registered abstracter owner of any abstract plant or business is required to assume the operation of the abstract plant or business, may grant to the person without examination a temporary certificate of registration.

(b) The fee for a temporary certificate of registration shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00).

(c) This certificate shall expire six (6) months after its date or upon the expiration of sixty (60) days after the next regularly scheduled examinations which could be taken by the applicant under the rules and regulations of the board, whichever period is longer.

(d) The board shall notify the applicant by mail of the time and place of the examination.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016