Arkansas Code § 17-52-304 - Creation -- Members

(a) There is created the Arkansas Home Inspector Registration Board.

(b) The board shall consist of seven (7) members, to be appointed by the Governor as follows:

(1) Four (4) members shall be registered home inspectors;

(2) One (1) member shall be a licensed real estate professional;

(3) One (1) member shall be a licensed real estate appraiser; and

(4) One (1) member shall be an at-large member who shall serve as a consumer advocate.

(c) (1) The initial members appointed under subsection (b) of this section shall determine their terms of office by drawing lots to result in two (2) home inspector members and two (2) noninspector members serving two-year terms and two (2) home inspector members and one (1) noninspector member serving one-year terms.

(2) Successor appointed members shall serve two-year terms.

(d) Any vacancy that occurs on the board shall be filled by the Governor for the remainder of the unexpired term.

(e) Board members shall serve not more than three (3) consecutive terms of office.

(f) The consumer advocate member of the board shall call the first meeting and shall serve as chair of the first meeting.

(g) If funds are available, members of the board may receive expense reimbursement according to § 25-16-902.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016